What to Look for in a Tummy Tuck Surgery Procedure in Dubai?

According to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons Abdominoplasty surgery which is commonly known as a tummy tuck, is an operation that seeks to remove excess skin and tissue, scars, stretch marks and fat from the tummy and sometimes seeks to tighten the abdominal muscles.

Some of the reasons that people choose to have a tummy tuck in Dubai include:

  • Removal of Excess Skin

Saggy skin or excess skin is experienced by people who undergo body transformations, we are used to the idea of firm skin that stretches and snaps back into place. When our skin starts to lose this ability or elasticity, it starts to look saggy. This can happen almost anywhere in the body but the most commonly seen areas include the stomach area which is why the removal of excess skin is one of the reasons that men and women choose to have a full tummy tuck surgery.

Saggy skin can be caused by aging, as we age we start to lose two important proteins which are manufactured in thedermis, namely elastin and collagen. These proteins give the skin elasticity which helps to firm our skin and maintain the taut structure and firmness. Elastin and collagen production delcine over time and especially over the age of 32.

Excess skin can also be caused by weight loss. The weight loss can be caused by pregnancy, lifestyle changes or medical conditions, in all of these cases having a tummy tuck can help to enhance the quality of life.

Sagging Skin Tummy Tuck in Dubai
Sagging Skin

The ideal time to have a tummy tuck is when your weight is normal and not experiencing fluctuations. A tummy tuck is not ideal for people who are overweight and should not be carried out with the motivation of losing weight.

The best way to have a tummy tuck is to meet and discuss your medical options with a qualified medical expert, preferably the surgeon that will actually undertake the procedure. Discussing his/her experiences with patients from similar backgrounds and/or in similar condition is key to progressing.

It is extremely important to note and inform your surgeon about any and all medications that you are taking in addition to whether or not you are planning to get pregnant anytime soon.